
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Could Sarah Palin Really Be President?

Why couldn’t any thoughtful, strong, business-like, entrepreneurial, well-spoken mom with vision and ideas who loves her country be the president of the United States? It has always pissed me off that unless you walk like a duck and quack like a duck, you won’t be able to rise to power with the rest of the quacks! If you have not received your degree and the approval of the uppity-up liberal professors from a name-brand university that indoctrinates and trains the minds of America’s youth, then you are degraded and dragged through the media’s arena. They devour you, spit you out with the rest of their victims and then call you stupid.

My father has always liked the saying, “Those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach.” Education is a doubled-sided sword; we all need to be educated, but who is doing the teaching? Who taught the first teachers, and who died and made them royalty? Who questions their authority, and how do we know what they are teaching is right? The media, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and all the powerful white-collar professionals are taught the same message by the unbreakable chain of powerful, elite universities. We all buy into the belief that we all must fit into the same box, read the same books, and look, act, and spout the same type of rhetoric, and the moment an unusual, free-thinking, independent woman is introduced to our country it simply freaks out everyone who has become so comfortable in that box.

Let this be your first experience meeting an average, real, true American patriot. Sarah Palin did not ask to be thrust onto the world’s stage, but is now compelled to speak her mind. The day that McCain unearthed her from her happy life, I believe she accidentally slipped through the cracks, and before the media knew what happened, they lost their footing. God forbid, if the media does not anoint you as the next leader, then you must be bad, because you did not ask their permission to be yourself and rise to power! The exciting part is that one of us is on the loose, using the freedom that has always been available to us, and she is an example of what we all can achieve. The power of a real American is undeniable. I believe the reason why so many liberals hate her is because she has reached this place in her life without going down that predictable path where so many lose themselves, but instead is forging her own path with her soul and her independent nature fully intact.

It has become a challenge to explain life to my 14-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter. They see the media approving of Barney Frank, with all of his personal improprieties, and the many other unprincipled politicians who are in power, and they also see how the media treats someone like Sarah Palin. It has also become a challenge to keep my son focused on the college program that is being offered through his high school. The writing assignments are not interesting to him, and he feels like he is jumping through phony hoops to write with passion about something that is meaningless and boring just to get a good grade. I had to tell him the truth! I explained that if he wanted to get a college degree, it is a requirement for him to not be himself. He is a free-thinking, passionate, young entrepreneur attending an incredible private school that is all hands on. He is a straight-a student and wants to get a degree in engineering, but he is hitting reality head on and does not like what seems to be the beginning of indoctrination. Call me naive, but what are we turning out of these colleges and universities, leaders or followers? It takes a great amount of strength not to lose your true self when these types of requirements are thrust upon you and the carrot at the end of the stick is greatness and a degree saying that you are greater than a person without a degree.

My son asked me, “Can’t I become an engineer without going to college? Can’t I create and build because that’s all I dream about? Why do I have to write these stupid assignments to be able to be an engineer? Why can’t I write about what I am interested in, Mom?” I explained to him that it’s for the same reason Sarah Palin is being crucified by the media. “They want you to jump when they say jump, and write what they want you to write, but Luke, watch Sarah. She is smarter than them all, and will turn this fiasco into an opportunity not only for herself, but for the rest of America.” He laughed and understood.

What most people don’t get about Sarah Palin is that she is smarter than those who despise her. Every time you hear anyone say that she is stupid and she could never be the President of the United States, just understand that she is already a leader in our country, and they never saw it happen. All it would take now is an election to make it official. Now, who are really the stupid ones?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sure Glad Cows Don't Fly

Don’t look up now—it’s too late! The B.S. was coming down in buckets as Nancy Pelosi and her posse took advantage of hard-working entrepreneurs who were too busy making a living in order to pay for the millions of unemployed Americans. Maybe that’s part of the plan, keeping the American work force and business owners so busy trying to foot the bill for our country’s bad money managers that we don’t have time to protest or read the 1000-page health care bill. I don’t know about you, but I woke up on Sunday morning to find out that 220 people had stolen a piece of my children’s future. I would love to plant a few of the money trees that our new health care system is going to require.

Sure Glad Cows Don't FlyMany of us have become a society of believers in a dream. Not the American dream, but a twisted dream where you wake up and have everything you ever wanted, without working for it. I have been blown away listening to people who think that we are actually going to have free health care for all. These are the same people who sign up for every free give-away that pops up in their e-mail, buy hundreds of dollars of lotto tickets, and gamble away their life savings in slot machines never wondering whose money is jingling around inside. Drunk with visions of their own freedom through gifts and entitlements, they are betting that they will win, never believing that they will most definitely lose. They want to believe in a lie because they don’t believe in their own abilities to achieve the real American Dream. Instead of grasping onto the reins of their own horse, these people believe that the fairy godfather is going to deliver them happiness and equality without their ever having earned it.

The do-gooders, who are the (mis)leaders of our country, paint such a pretty picture for their followers. These followers don’t really want the truth anyway; they love the excitement of the lie. The misleaders have been trained in engage in deceptive warfare on good Americans and with such sureness, they explain to the hopeful that the money to pay for all of the freebies will not come from taxpayers.

But these misleaders aren’t wearing their own boots because they have been bribed to wear someone else’s. In their greed and cowardice, they have chosen not to represent Americans, but to represent the special interests of those in our highest offices. They have been promised the same twisted dream that they have been asked to sell to us, and even though deep down in their toes they know the truth, they have given up any desire to stand on principal. They have been promised that their elite positions will be protected if they just all stand together. They have been told not to show fear and to charge forward no matter what the silly American people want or think.

This type of bullying can be seen in every schoolyard. Just last week my 12-year-old daughter had to stand her ground with a pushy 14-year-old who uses her personality, cuteness, and over-bearing aggression to get exactly what she wants from the whole class. She has learned that all it takes is pure irritation and an overzealous personality and the understanding that, when she gets people mad enough, she can point her finger at them as the problem and then she is in control.

My daughter was able to take her on because she did not get irritated. Instead, she spoke up with love and conviction, showing the other girl that she was actually the problem and not accepting her craziness. My daughter gave her a dose of correction, and put the controlling girl in her place and did not think another thing about it. She left that girl in a daze, because when you stand up properly, you affect the weak confusers, leaving them without a handle.

Now is not the time to get mad but to get strong. Don’t be confused by the misleadership in our country. These misleaders are betting on your anger and confusion. Try something new; confront them with conviction, strength, love of country and understanding of your rights. Never give them the upper hand by doubting your beliefs, your passion and your true love of the Red, White and Blue!

Together we stand!

Follow Dianne Linderman on Twitter!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Give A Man A Fish

Give A Man A FishNo one is ever going to convince a far-left liberal to see the sense in conservatism and true capitalism. We are always going to look like evil, capitalist pigs and nothing we can do will ever change their hearts, minds or feelings about conservatism. They don’t get the simple principle, “If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime.” They like this version, “If you give a man a fish, he will owe you for a day. If you promise a man fish for a lifetime, he will give you his allegiance forever.” Why do they think that it is their job to make life fair for everyone? Why don’t they think that America represents fair opportunity for all when we are left to be creative and innovative? I am beginning to put together the reasons why the left feel they owe it to feed every hungry person, build them new homes, and provide them with money, gas and a even college education instead of allowing these same people the opportunity to get all of the above for themselves. The answer is simple: It’s about pure power and elitism.

What would be the difference between a person standing in a huge marketplace throwing handfuls of money up into the air and the government handing money over to undeserving people who lack initiative to earn their own money?
To the givers, it would feel the same in either case: They would suddenly rise above the people they had helped, feeling good for saving those poor fools, and they would be traveling on the highway to heaven and to ultimate control. Giving something to an undeserving person is a form of waking hypnosis. The giver becomes the master and the recipient becomes obligated and loyal. These so-called givers don’t really want others to have self-respect and free spiritedness but instead want to enslave their devotees, trapping them into a lifetime of servitude. I like to use the example of a parent who thinks that if he could keep his child happy by giving the child everything, he would have some power and influence over the child’s life. What we all know is that when a child is given everything he wants, he becomes angry and frustrated, and you end up with the opposite effect, arrogant rebellion of the worst kind.

Less is more with kids. They love to be independent, and they love to be self-reliant. If parents can resist trying to make their kids happy and instead trust them with their own interests and the outcome of their choices, then they will set their kids up for success instead of dependency and failure. Teaching kids how to earn money and encouraging them to believe that they can do anything they put their minds to is what real trust and love are all about. Giving irresponsibly to undeserving people and undeserving kids is the same thing as saying that you don’t trust them and they are not capable of achieving anything in life.

They begin to look to the givers for everything, and when the givers are out of resources, the dependents will turn on their masters and bite the hands that feed them, becoming the worst type of people. Through my work with troubled teenagers over the past 27 years, I have come to understand that truly helping someone in life is helping them discover self-respect and responsibility. Once a person finds he is capable of anything, he transforms into a strong person with visions and ideas of his own and, in turn, will become a more useful part of society. Some even become leaders, not leaches!

I have concluded that the left’s secret weapon is to wear the guise of caring, thoughtful, giving as they demoralize the weak and needy by confusing them with gifts and asking for their loyalty in return. It seems so innocent, but this is the perfect weapon, and it sneaks up on even the unsuspecting. The left should beware, though, because America is a nation of independent innovators full of vision and passion. Beams of light will always shine through its people. The strongest of us will survive, and what will separate the weak from the strong will be the willingness not to except the bribe!

Listen to Dianne Linderman on the Radio!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Many of us look at the leader of the free world and are frozen in our footsteps, watching in amazement, as our country’s history of freedom is unraveled like a ball of yarn. The millions of good men and women who gave their lives for our freedom are not only being taken for granted, but are actually being looked down upon as if they were part of the problem and the builders of an evil empire. We all think that President Obama is the reason for the massive attack on our freedom that we are witnessing, but if you really think deeply about why a perfectly intelligent and even somewhat intellectually brilliant human being could give away our beloved country with the ease and confidence of an Acorn employee dishing out advice to a pimp and a prostitute and not get caught, you would come to understand that President Obama is just a puppet in a world of deeply distorted demonic power managers. These people care nothing about Obama as a person, but only see that he is the perfect tool to destroy America as we know it!

A few days ago, I was teaching entrepreneurship to a class of sixth and seventh graders, and our project was to transform the school into a fair. The first lesson they needed to learn was how to run an event. I explained that they needed to choose a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. First, I asked all of the kids who were interested in being president to gather around me, and I explained what their responsibilities would entail, telling them they would have to be a good leader and direct people, as well as organize different committees, etc. Then each one stood in front of the class and spoke a few words about why they wanted to be president and what they could do. I was sure that this one young man would be chosen because he was so confident, strong, and had a lot of experience with making his own money. I just knew he was the one! Each student caste a vote on a slip of paper, and when the votes were counted, to my absolute shock, the kids had chosen a boy who was silly and had no abilities or experience, just a cute personality.

I was disappointed because I knew that this boy could not do the job, but the kids were thrilled with their decision. This boy had a few friends who had rallied the other kids in the class to vote for him, and he rose to power. After that, they voted for treasurer, and again, they voted for the weakest candidate. I was shocked again. I talked to my friend who is the headmistress of this school and asked her how this happened and why people are so invested in personality and not in character and ability? She said something that was so true, “Dianne, the kids who won the election stand for nothing; they are everyone’s friend and they are all things to all people. Even though the kids like the boy who they elected president, he will not make it past his first task!”

I had to take a step back and think. I saw what had happened in that classroom is exactly what had happened in our country’s Presidential election last fall. Candidate Obama had done nothing really clever, and he actually warned the country that he was going to make some fundamental changes that would transform America into a new nation, and we sort of heard that but disbelieved our intuitions’ warnings. We need to give a big “Thank You” to the mainstream media for leading America to believe that Obama was a middle-of-the-road Democrat. Because they had an agenda of their own, they never pointed out any of his deceptions but only his warm, charming qualities and personality. Where in the world are the principled Democrats who will tell the Obama administration that the President isn’t actually wearing clothes, only make-believe suits that many of us actually see through.

Even though the Obama administration thinks that many of us, including Sarah Palin, are dumb mobsters who want to make trouble, we are able to see the simple truth and are not going to allow him to make us, or our kids, believe that he is fully clothed! Many of our elected officials, both Republicans and Democrats, degrade us daily thinking that we are not aware of their own lack of clothing. We all see through their pretentious agendas and the backlash they are witnessing now is not going away. Americans are acting like true Americans again.

We will remind them in upcoming elections not to mess with our freedom, and, oh yeah, they had better get out of their see-through clothing and put on the uniform of freedom again with the badge of honor pinned carefully to their principles, because us multi-tasking, entrepreneurial dads and moms are about to make some changes and would like to remind our elected officials that they work for us, and they are going to be fired!

Friday, October 9, 2009


America spends a lot of money trying to fight the bad guys, you know, the American bad guys. They are drug addicts, your kids, your friends, your wives, your husbands, your school teachers, your movie stars, the good, the bad, the underprivileged, the over privileged and all those who have no love of self, country, or family. Our police are called on to make sense of the nonsense of people’s insane lives as they mediate the never-ending feuds of dysfunctional, loveless families. And no matter how our government tries to fix things, it simply doesn’t work!!!!

We have made our police into the nannies of our sick, dark natures. Our politicians have become our mothers, comforting and never holding anyone accountable for anything. As our government officials console and create dependency, a huge segment of our country is becoming impudent. All of these are the ingredients of an explosive soup, and the good guys are being thrown into the mix and stirred along.

Who is to blame for all of the drugs being purchased from American and Mexican drug dealers? Why is it that the streets run with blood all around our country where we have our own homegrown terrorists called gangs, but the news media rarely utters a word about this? Our government, backed by the media, spends most of its time keeping hard-working entrepreneurs fighting for their businesses, pointing fingers and assigning blame while keeping us distracted from the real truth about America—our broken families.

Your kids are taking drugs, going to parties, lying to you—looking for love in all the wrong places because they do not get it at home. They look for acceptance in friends, gangs, and bad guys! Why is it that many parents don’t know or don’t care where their kids are and what they might be doing? Recently, the news stations reported that a 14-year-old girl took some nude photos of herself and e-mailed them to her boyfriend. He in turn sent them to others and needless to say they are everywhere and she is now looking at going to prison. This is the perfect example of what has gone wrong with our entire country! WHERE is the parents’ responsibility in all of this? Just 2 years ago she was a twelve-year-old child, why would her parents give her a cell phone and let her have a boyfriend? Why would her parents not know what is going on their child’s life? When does responsibility for a child end with a parent? I say never! I blame the majority of America’s problems on dysfunctional, irresponsible parents! But is the problem way too big for anyone to fix?

I believe that we can cure the virus that has spread throughout our country by waking up America’s parents and holding them accountable for their children’s actions. It will be an uphill battle because government authorities do not want parents to be responsible and have made it possible for them not to face their failed parenting skills; they want to blame society’s problems on anything but the parents.

Now is the time for parents to take America back by taking charge of our kids—always know where your kids are; don’t hand them cell phones; make them earn their own money; teach them that, as in business, freedom and success are earned by being responsible and accountable; talk to them and set boundaries; be aware of who their friends are; use reasonable punishment and follow through, (I have found the best form of punishment is grounding kids from friends and fun); share with them what is wrong with the world to help them spot the bad guys and the cons; and always be patient and not above reproach. Being a good parent can change the outcome of a child’s life. All it takes is true love!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

NEW ARTICLE! Un-Teaching Teachers http://ow.ly/ts0Z (bad teacher stories)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Read my latest article: "The Powerful Un-American Media" http://ow.ly/nkyz